Business Opportunity

Effective Management – 4 Ways to Inspire loyalty in your Business

by: Olakunbi Korostensky

Copyright 2010 Flaming Life Coaching INC.

Today as people become increasingly conscious of their worth, they are no longer willing to stay in a job that has become intolerable and impersonal to them.

This means that in the corporate or business world, it no longer suffice to have a system in place and expect people to just comply by them.

Without some form of human connections, things won't work out for long and the strength of commitment from your employees will simply disintegrate.

Whether you're an executive, a business owner with employees or an organisation with a team of board members, you have a common ground. Your biggest asset is people and the number one key to ensuring that your business runs like a clockwork is to secure the loyalty and trust of the people on your payroll.

The days of people working for altruistic reasons have long passed. People want to feel appreciated and emotionally connected and without loyal people at your side, your business will go nowhere and die.

There are very simple ways to keep the loyalty of your workers and co-workers. When you implement these practices, you'll reap substantial benefits for yourself and your business will become strong to wager any storm.

1. Make an effort to know the people who work for you. When you find a way to get to know your workers and to approach them as individuals, people feel appreciated and become devoted to you.

Most people spend their whole lives trying to get noticed and be someone. This can be very frustrating for them, especially if their efforts remain unnoticed.

Too often, many top managers forget too quickly where they started from. Remember how you once had to slowly work your way up the corporate ladder and how you felt working persistently away in a dingy place. Maybe you even ached to be noticed and get an encouraging word from your former boss. Well if you did, you're not alone. Other people also long for the same thing you once yearned for.

You may think, well I 'm not a psychologist and my duty is not to hold my workers' hands. Just think again. If you want dedication, you certainly won't get it by refusing to pay attention to those who work for you. And if that's what it takes, then it's wise to become proficient at it.

2. Be open and straightforward with people. Show people you care, and tell them what you expect of them. Be upfront and clear about your position in relationship to them and their work. Let them know exactly what they can expect from you in return.

We all model our lives after someone. My own business life has been modeled and influenced by two great men. My father who was a great lover of people and my uncle who was a visionary industrialist with an unquenchable passion for supporting others.

These two men taught me 2 crucial things about people:

a) Humility: that no matter how high you may get, without people you are nothing. For it is people who made you what you are.

b) Ingenuousness: When you hide your true self from people, you end up not knowing your-self.

3. Encourage and support your employees. In order to encourage people, you need to know their strong and weak points.

Many people have great gifts and talents, but feel timid and are self conscious as a result of their pre-dispositions or the environment they grew up in. Do yourself and the society a favour and support people to grow and you'll be greatly rewarded ed in return.

Also save yourself and your business a great deal of unnecessary sufferings. Find out what people are truly good at and place them in the position where they feel nurtured and can fully implement their abilities.

When people know that you have their interests at heart, they will naturally strive to apply themselves. This is because people want to belong to "a fold" they can tender, even if that "fold" is a business. But you must be genuine about your intention. Because if you're not, people will soon see through you.

4. Go the extra mile by being vigilant and showing some interests in the lives of your workers. This is also a good way of keeping the path of communication open. People trust someone who takes the time to ask after them and really listen to what they have to say. One reason why psychotherapy flourishes so well is the attention people get.

I know of some business owners, who make it a point to seek out their employees on their birthdays. One man in particular does a round of his three-storey business building every morning when he gets to work. He says that he checks his workers' lists of names at the end of each day and makes note of the names of birthdays coming up the following day.

The first thing he does the next morning is to go to each "birthday kid" as he calls them, and congratulates them personally! Now that's what I call awesome. Especially since he has 350 employees in his business. Who says you can't find time to be personal with your workers?

He even takes the time to visit his workers at their home when they suffer a loss of a loved one, or if they're absent from work for more than 3 days with an illness. His personal assistant never fails to sing his praise in admiration.

It is no wonder that this man enjoys excellent references and great respect. Which is also portrayed by the profits he makes.

People have natural needs which include acknowledging their existence. If you, as a business owner, forget to cater to these needs, you may end up sitting in a big but empty arena, wondering what went wrong. If, on the other hand, you make time for your employees, you'll be rewarded with great gratitude through, relentless and undying loyalty.