Business Opportunity

Benefit of property

Do you know that by seeking proper advice from the start will enable you to maximise the benefits you receive from your investment property? I have met people who have wanted to purchase an investment property, however, have not realized that by not having a S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, achievable, results oriented, time framed) plan could possibly end up missing most of the benefits they are entitled to.
The benefits are financial in the long, medium and short term.
These range from:
  • long term - capital growth
  • medium term - increased rental income due to inflation and the increase in market rent
  • short to medium terms - tax variations, tax minimisation, negative gearing and depreciation
To maximise the benefits from your investment property ideally you should seek the proper advice from qualified experts in their respective fields like Accountants, Financiers and Quantity Surveyors.

We not only have relationships with people who can help advise you with these matters, we are always at arms length and neither give or receive any form of referral fee from these people.
Your Benefits will be:
  • Tax minimisation
  • Long term capital growth of the investment
  • Tax Variations - this helps with your cash flow
  • Full rents paid to your nominated bank account (this helps your cash flow)
  • Negative gearing (helps legally reduce the tax you pay)

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