Business Opportunity

Invest in Dubai

Why Dubai?
Dubai has also been lucky with its timing. Low interest rates and dismal stock markets are good news for realtors.
There is another good reason why Dubai property is a success. Because the Dubai government is behind the housing boom, and has secondary motives such as attracting wealthy immigrants to the city, villas and luxury apartments are sold very cheaply.
One way to judge if real estate is cheap, or not to watch the performance, or rental return. In the case of Dubai a basic yield of 10% on residential property compares with a local mortgage rate of 6.5%. Now in London 3-4% would be considered a good performance right now, so 10% implies a considerable underestimation of property.
Of course, increasing the supply of property may reduce yields in Dubai. However, it will take some time. Buyers of apartments on Palm Island will not actually move in until the end of 2006.
Indeed, the problem is rather the reverse in Dubai. The supply of property is not keeping pace with demand. A city with a growth rate of GDP of around 8% sucks in new people all the time and has a growing demand for housing.
This means that the values of villa and apartment ratchet still rising further that tenants take possession. For the sake of saving time currently in Dubai looks like a winner infallible, if you can find a property to buy.

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Invest in USA

The United States is a popular place for foreign investment This is a great location in terms of relocation and holidays for European investors. Buyers looking for a solid investment arena in which the purchase with an established infrastructure and tourism facilities to meet the demands of today's visitors. Many purchases of condos on top holiday hotspots United States have traditionally offered the best returns on investment, and buyers are choosing from a wide range of options, not only in satellites, but also many great Disney developments seaside and ski resorts or golf in key locations.

International Investment Property Network (IPIN)
The International Property Investment Network has selected the U.S. as one of its chosen locations to offer solid investment opportunities for its members. You can discover the many reasons for this in our section of U.S. property investment research and know why the U.S. still offers property investors excellent growth potential.

Why invest in the U.S.?
Despite the reluctance of some investors because interest rates rose and housing prices stagnate or decline, the housing market is indeed strong in some key tourist sites in the United States. Today, investors benefit from buying process simple, meanwhile enjoy the exceptional variety and quality than their American lifestyle excels

Natural and cultural factors
    * A climate that varies from freezing winters in the north to the sun year-round mild indeed. The United States has something to offer all tastes, golf sun seekers skiers.
    * The United States offers an enviable lifestyle often referred to as "The American Dream", with a variety of options to satisfy all needs, including all types of outdoor sports and a consumer society of world renown.
    * Wide cultural mix and the general tolerance of all colors and creeds.
    * Modern infrastructure, including, among other things, transportation, education, health, all of which are known for their excellence and innovation.

Economic Factors
    * A relatively low cost of living and favorable dollar / Euro / Pound ratio with a wide range of choices, the U.S. is a paradise of detail.
    * A tourist industry hosting over 40 million visitors per year fuel a healthy rental market
    * Internal migration from north to south stimulates the need for long-term rental housing in some areas like Florida and Las Vegas.
    * The legal and buying process is highly developed and transparent giving the buyer greater confidence.
    * Some regions have not yet been exploited, and with good advice, some offer the investor the opportunity to tap into an emerging market.
    * Some off-plan schemes give the investor the opportunity for capital growth
    * A variety of building types provides investors with a selection of properties independent housing units to condo-hotels.
    * Easy access via direct flights from many international airports

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Investment in Australia

Investment property in Australia offers great potential for investors in key areas of the property. Here we take a look at some key factors to consider when deciding to invest in Australian property.
Foreigners are willing to invest in Australia
Australia has always been a favorite holiday destination and relocation due to its high quality of life and value for money and still today, the carefully selected investment property in Australia offers great potential for buyers overseas. With an established tourism industry and growing in the functioning and economic activity in major cities for foreign investors, many real estate investments offer excellent opportunities.
International Investment Property Network (IPIN)
The International Property Investment Network has selected Australia as one of its chosen locations to offer solid investment opportunities for its members. You can discover the many reasons for this in our research investment in the Australia section and discover why Australia continues to offer property investors excellent growth potential.
Why invest in Australia?
Despite the reluctance of some investors because interest rates have increased and the high prices of real estate, real estate market is actually booming in parts of Australia. Today, investors can enjoy many economic and political benefits of buying property in Australia, meanwhile enjoy the natural beauty, climate and lifestyle.
Natural and cultural factors
horizons sunburned, rugged mountains, pristine beaches and dense rainforest make it a popular holiday option and lifestyle.
Because of beautiful beaches and countryside •, sports such as diving and surfing are to be tasted and opportunity for all types of ecotourism.
• The major cultural cities such as Sydney, where opera and other musical events can be assessed, as well as world-class film, theater, art galleries, and much more.
• temperate climate all year round, with an average of 3,000 hours of sunshine per year.
• calm and healthy lifestyle in the sun
• English is the national language, which greatly helps a bit here
• Well served by six major international airports
Economic Factors
• The high capital growth in areas such as Perth (36.6% to 42% per annum in 2006)
• Low cost of commercial property and a growing international business presence in major cities, because of good value and a favorable environment for foreign investors.
• Strong demand for residential and commercial property to accommodate a growing expatriate community work.
Due to high interest rates and house prices • Many Australians are increasingly looking for rental housing, making this area a healthy growth for investors.
• The exchange rate against the euro, dollar and pound sterling are favorable, which makes buying property in Australia an option.
• high growth rate, higher than most OECD countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States.
• Wide range of mortgage options available to foreigners, including interest-free loans for five to ten years.
• The enormous growth of tourism. According to forecasts the Australian, some 10,000 hotel rooms will be needed in the resort areas in 2014.
• Population growth and rising incomes provide housing demand exceeds current supply, higher prices.

Renting out houses as a business

By Mika Hamilton
Business real estate is one of the most profitable businesses that can take the risk. On the one hand, property devaluation and rarely suffer the most likely, as time passes, their value increases. For this reason alone it is not surprising that many people invest in such cases. Undeniably, you need to start with a great capital. Knowing when, where and how to manage your money to ensure that the return of capital and profits will be a breeze.

If you want to start in real estate, you might consider renting a house. There is a steady demand for homes commendable because all people could afford to buy their own homes. Building and construction of a house also proved to be financially unfeasible. Renting a house is also a good option for those who are still saving money to buy their own properties. These are just some of many reasons that may prompt you to undertake this kind of business.

As I mentioned earlier, you need to have a big starting capital. You use it to purchase goods and / or houses that you can rent to others. You must be on a lookout for properties available for sale. The log can be a good source of information and real estate brokers. But a good source and probably uncharted territory for the purchase of real estate auctions are banks and financial institutions. Almost every month, sales of banks bidding for the seized property schedules. These properties are sometimes sold at a price below their market value that the banks do not really take advantage of these sales if there is, it is only minimal. They are more concerned about the return on their investment.

However, before buying these properties, you must take into account their location. Of course, people who rent homes would choose properties that are accessible to, say, the workplace or school. So, in buying, always ask for its first location and give preference to locations near business districts or schools.

After buying a property, you are now ready to rent. Post your ads in newspapers or in highlight areas of advertising. If anyone is interested, leave your requirements for your rent as how much is your monthly rent, which pays for utilities, etc. Ask your customers, visit the property so he can get a good overview of it. Similarly, be open to negotiations. If you already have an agreement, have all written in a contract. Ask a lawyer to assist you in this area.

The return of your investment may take longer. This may take several years depending on how much is your rent. However, once you've recovered your capital, rentals would succeed now your profit. Just keep the "commercialization" of your property by preserving it properly. It may cost you some minor renovations and from time to time.

If you think the company is good, then you can use the profits from your first property to buy another property. But after trying it and you feel that the company is not for you, so do not worry, you can sell the property at any time.

How to choose a healthy property management company

By Glen Crozier

The property management company you choose to manage your rental is perhaps the most important ingredient of your success after making a purchase of real estate smart. This step is so important that it is imperative that you do not cut corners or go the "cheap route" to try to add to your bottom line. Paying Your management company is the cost of doing business and should be taken very seriously.

If you purchase a new property and can maintain the current management in place, it's probably the best option because you'll have less problems in the transition of ownership. Tenants love to try to exploit this opportunity to break a lease or just not pay the rent. That's why you should minimize the changes of management style as much as possible unless your plan is to make drastic changes to the property and can financially weather a temporary downturn of the occupation.

Find a management company who is not afraid to do evictions. In fact, a rate of 1 to 3 percent per month expulsion is a good thing. This means that your management company works hard to keep your complete units so that they are not longer eligible for your tenants. Some management companies raise the bar so high for tenants to be eligible when they are qualified, they could probably buy a house instead of renting from you.

Also, make sure you can speak frankly, openly and clearly with the manager, you work with. They are your people on the ground and you'll need to have a very good relationship with them. You may want to ask someone from your team present themselves as a potential tenant to test the management company and see if their professionalism meets your standards. He also would not hurt to find a couple of tenants in a property they already manage and how they like to live where they live and their views on the management company.

Investing in real estate


Real Estate is one of the best ways to invest your hard earned money because the land is a scarce resource and as long as world population continues to grow, land will continue to appreciate in value.

A few years ago [2003-2005] an acre of land was sold to Karen KES 3.5 million. Currently [2010] Earth The same goes for Ksh 18 to 20 million. An acre of Runda sold for Ksh 4.5 million in 2003. Currently, the same acre now sells about 20 million KES.

Property investment is also very flexible in that it welcomes every size budget. The amount of money you can raise will play a large role in determining the scope of the investment. You can start a very small scale and go up the ladder. For investors in small-scale ideas such as buying a small plot of land near the main town and keep it for some time that can range from several months to several years can help it.

PROFIT by speculation

One of the quickest ways to earn profits in real estate is speculation. Country, far from major cities is generally lower prices. For example, land in areas such as Kamulu, outskirts of Nakuru, Lamu can cost about Ksh 300,000 per acre. This land will certainly cost much more as time passes and development catches up. Once you wear to intensive research on the lands of low value and get inside information on new developments, is a good time to buy while the price is still low.

For example, there are future plans to develop as a port of Lamu. People who buy now, while the land value is low will take a great benefit years later. There are also plans to expand commuter rail between Athi River and Nairobi. This will also lead to a sharp increase in land prices in surrounding areas such as Kitengela once the project is completed. The bypass long Ruai, Juja and Ruiru also lead to an increase in land prices being there. In Nairobi CBD area Muthurwa expand significantly once the South-East of the park is fully developed. Along Mombasa road, plans are underway to develop the town ICT Malili ranch. All these elements create great buying opportunities and unloading later on the market once the developments are completed.


Another method to make money in real estate development is buying a piece of land, subdivide it into smaller parcels and the development of infrastructure such as electricity, roads and water. Once the infrastructure is developed, the plots are then dumped on the market at a profit. Areas such as Syokimau, Kiambu, Ongata Rongai are ripe for this kind of development. Areas such as Kahawa Sukari were developed by this kind of method. Development Control is then forced through the establishment of a Community company to approve a new developments specific standard.The prevents poor quality buildings that reduce the value of land to develop.

PROFIT by construction.

In areas where large pieces of land are not available, such as South C, Langata, Commercial Southeast Park [Muthurwa], etc. Westlands, a good way to make profit through the construction of buildings. Since land is not available in abundance sideways, the buildings are stacked on each other for several stories that may be approved by the local authority. The use of creative architectural drawings will help unleash the full value of the investment through drawings that fully and optimally utilize land and are also attractive to potential buyers thus creating competition. The buildings are sold as individual units or rental.


Its common knowledge that the three rules for successful investment in real estate are


So you need to put a lot of resources to find the best place that has a value that has not been fully exploited.

Knowledge within and in the future it is planned to develop infrastructure such as a bypass, university, hospital, etc. extension of the city became very critical in determining your investment. For example, the first white settlers had prior knowledge that the Imperial British East Africa Company will make the capital Nairobi and areas such as area Hurlingham and Westlands higher class shopping malls. In the meantime, an acre of land was very low. Currently, several years later, an acre of land in the Westlands detail can KES 180 million if the initial investors who took the gamble laughing all the way to the bank. This is your time to look down as the land. Good luck.

Buying Homes Abroad

By Nitin James Thomson

Although the financial economy is changing dramatically, many people continue to invest in many properties. If you are thinking about buying homes abroad, you will not need to worry much for simply searching the net, you can find many luxury homes. For those who do not earn the minimum wage, the online market as the fastest way to find homes and very affordable and inexpensive.

While we all dream and want to live in a comfortable, warm and spacious home. But it is also essential for everyone to be aware of the harsh reality trap and home buying. On the other hand, so you can find the most desirable homes, you must consider several important factors and among these include the condition of the building. Obviously, this is not right to just buy homes based on their appearance, but rather on the construction and materials used to build them. First visit and inspect the place if it is strongly built. By doing this, you are not only the well-being you and your family, but also the security of your expenses.

Another important factor that you should take note of the scene. There will be a better choice if you buy houses that are close to many facilities and infrastructure such as churches, hospitals, fire stations, markets and offices. If education of your children is your highest priority, it is also wise to acquire homes near some well-built schools and better quality. If you are business minded, you can also check around the house to see if you can develop potential construction projects. By visiting the site, please consult the people who live near your home favorite request information?

Also, before you decide on what home to buy, it is also important for you to be fully aware of the cost and legal procedures involved in your purchase. Regarding this, you can seek advice from qualified professionals to protect your interests and to make your home purchase stress free. Contacting trusted and reputable real estate agents are certainly great sources of advice. When it comes to negotiations on the property, you need a good lawyer and good.

Home in Bulgaria

By: surrinder Ahitan
Many people who are considering the possibility of buying a house or another in Bulgaria worry about what they might end up paying taxes on property that
they could end up paying. In years past, one reason that only a fraction of the population was able to take advantage of homes in Bulgaria focused on high taxes that times were often associated with ownership
in this country.
With the change of government occurred in Bulgaria since the 1990s, significant land reform programs were implemented throughout the country. The pace of reforms accelerated when it was determined that Bulgaria would be admitted into the European Union in 2007. The net result was that property taxes should be considered an obstacle to home ownership in Bulgaria.
Indeed, at present, Bulgaria strengthens one of the lowest real estate tax regimes of any country in Europe - including countries that already enjoy full membership status in the EU. It is important to bear in mind that prior laws that imposed a heavy tax burden on foreign nationals who have bought homes in Bulgaria have been eliminated in their entirety.
In addition to lower property taxes, the government of Bulgaria has adopted other laws to encourage private ownership in the people of Bulgaria, further driving demand for homes for sale in Bulgaria. The Government of Bulgaria has undertaken to promote and
promote investment real estate in general and specifically to the property across the country.
To this end, the government eased the tax burden of those who own real estate and has modernized the banking system to lend more real
widely available to people interested in the property in the country, including houses to buy and own in Bulgaria.

Construction Loan "Inside Secrets" to build your new home

By: Rick Gomez
1. Which construction loans are available and that we should ask?

bank home loan and the Internet has changed the mortgage lending or construction forever. Today's choices include construction loan in year 30, the 15-year fixed rate, 1 year ARM 1.3 ARM 5 / 1 ARM 7 / 1 ARM 10 / 1 ARM and do not forget popular interest-free loans only.

The construction loan of the past was a short term 1 year loan that the customer would have to refinance into a new loan once construction was completed.

The two-time cost of customers two types of closing costs and you would have to requalify for the new loan once the house was completed.

The construction loan the most popular today is the "One Time Close" but not all are created equal. Like any product there are the best loans, good loans and downright bad loans.

With today's technology, you now have the opportunity to obtain a construction loan of the best banks in the country and sign your loan documents to title company or escrow office . This service allows you to have the construction loan at the most competitive market.

The loan you should ask is simple: ask the lowest rate, closing once for a specific period of time you think you are going to live there.

2. Which lenders / banks have better construction loans and what you need to apply?

There are plenty of banks willing to lend money for mortgages, refinancing, home equity loans and any other type of loan. But if you intend to build a new house, where do you get the best construction loan with the most competitive prices?

More importantly, what is a loan to build good?
A typical construction loan is now a construction permanent loan that may or may not allow you to lock in current interest rates low until the house is completed. If you choose a loan that does not allow you to block the outset, the higher interest rates may end up with your monthly payment.

The most important thing when looking for a construction loan is good to find a construction specialist experienced loan knows that banks are the best.

The best banks can offer you a low rate right now, from the outset, before you start building your new home.

3. If you go directly to your local bank or a loan broker for your loan?

Most banks offer loans, and going to like shopping at a Ford dealer. The only thing you can get at Ford is a Ford. But what if you want choice?

One way to get different choices for shopping in all the banks in town. Or you can call a broker experienced in construction lending which has all the homework for you and has direct access to hundreds of banks.

A broker is a representative of hundreds of banks. Although the broker serves as a means of man, his services will not cost you anything extra. That's because brokers get loans at wholesale rates and pass them on to their customers at retail prices, just like any other business.

The difference between wholesale and retail is how brokers make money. Therefore, you get the same rate as a broker if you went directly to the lender yourself.

In fact, because of or in volume, many brokers are able to offer their customers better deals you can get by talking with the banks on your own.

With a loan broker construction had buy dozens of the most competitive banks nationwide, work with wholesale pricing and can negotiate rates and prices.

4. If you block your construction loan before you start building or float the interest rate?

If rates are heading upward, lock. If rates are stable, relax. If rates are headed downward, float.

Currently interest rates are at an all time low and can only go in the near future so make sure your construction loan is locked in interest rates today with the ability to float downward.

Inexperienced loan officers to offer their customers an enticing low adjustable rate during construction without advance lock-in and the client may end up having to lock in higher interest rates when the home is completed.

Or the customer is sold at a higher rate during the construction of a float option after the house is built. Again, the rate could be much higher when the house is completed.
Meanwhile the loan officer was paid and spent the next loan. The only time you want this type of loan is whether it is the loan you qualify.

Most loan officers do not tell their customers until it is too late (Closing).

Always ask. The rate of construction loan locked at the outset or floating during the construction loan? Then ask, is the loan rate during the construction at the same rate when the loan becomes a mortgage loan period.

5. What experience does your loan officer to build and he matter?

When it comes to money its amazing how fast any loan officer becomes an instant expert construction loans. You should keep in mind that all loan officers are salespeople. Yes, I know they have fancy titles like loan officer or vice president but the title is nothing but a fancy name for vendor loan.

vendors typically have a loan principal objective in mind when helping you with your loan application and that is the commission. Incidentally, the fancy name for the Commission in the lending industry is called a loan fee, points or yield spread premium (YSP).

Now do not get me wrong, there are many good honest sellers (loan officers) who work very hard to provide you the best service and rates. What is important is to distinguish good from bad.

The following questions allow you to quickly determine if your loan officer is experienced at construction loan.

1. How long have you ready to build? 5 years or more is preferable.

2. What is the loan to cost (LTC) for construction loans? This is cash equity as a deposit on earth. This can range from 5 to 20%.

3. Which is better? The good or draw disbursement system and why? Draw is now the most popular because the customer has control of the money.

If the loan officer (seller) can answer these questions without problem then they had a pretty good litmus test.

If you really want to throw a curve to them, ask the loan officer if they have already built a home themselves and what type of construction loan did they get.

If you find a loan officer who has lived the experience of building a home themselves then the chances are that you have found an experienced loan officer.

6. Qualifying for your construction loan, exactly how is it done?

The first thing that your loan officer wants is your credit application. The loan application called (1003) tell a story of your financial situation.

The credit application will tell the loan officer, including a lot of things,
1. What type of loan you want.
2. How much money you need.
3. Your Social Security number.
4. Your current employer.
5. A list of all property that you (the money) and liabilities (bills).
6. How much money you make.
7. How much real estate you own.

Once the loan officer has your loan application in hand, they can determine if you qualify for a loan.
A first point is taken from your credit report. The credit report will tell 3 main important things.

1. Show your current credit score. The credit rating can vary from 500 to 800.
2. View a complete list of all your monthly debts (bills).
3. View all credit problems in the past including bankruptcies, foreclosures and late payments.

With this information, the loan officer will make an analysis to determine whether you can qualify for the loan you need.

This analysis determines a ratio called the (income to debt ratio) and depending on the underwriting banks guidelines this ratio ranged from 36% to 45%.

Income debt ratio is the percentage of monthly payments (including your mortgage payment, taxes and insurance). This ratio should not exceed 36% to 45% of your monthly income.

Some banks allow you to exceed this ratio if you have a credit history and excellent credit rating excellent.
The current and most popular method of qualifying for a loan today is the stated income loan.

stated income allows you to benefit without checking your income on your tax return, O 2 or pay stubs. The only thing the bank verifies whether a stated income loan application is your credit score, cash, and that you are employed.

7. How not to be taken by the oldest trick in the book "Bait and Switch"?

The mortgage lending business is notorious for baiting and switching.

Baiting and Switching is when a loan officer or advertisement offers you one thing and trying to sell you something else.
Typical signs of baiting and switching are obvious, some basic examples are:

1. On the phone, it offers a much lower rate than any other equipment and once you have sent your application the rate you were quoted has suddenly disappeared.
2. You are offered a construction loan with no points and no cost loan. What you do not tell us is that you pay for it with higher interest rates and costs are built into the loan.
3. You said you will not have any payments while you build. What you do not tell us is that all construction loans of this option and it is called "interest reserves" and the payments are added to the loan amount.
Remember three important facts and you'll always be in good shape.

1. If it sounds too good to be true there is usually a reason.
2. Always get a written estimate, (ask for an estimate in good faith).
3. If you are satisfied with the speed and the program of construction loan you are quoted, ask to lock up.
Conversely, it is very important to realize that most loan products typically go hand in hand with banking guidelines. These guidelines are provided to loan officers to coincide with the qualifications of the customer.

For example, if you have a high credit score (FICO) with the land free and clear, you have more loan options than the person with a very low (FICO) score and no land equity.

8. Now for the biggest secret of all, ready?
All banks have access to the same rate and the only reason everyone ends up with a different rate is directly related to how much your loan officer and the bank will take advantage of you.
You should probably read that again.

Your loan officer is paid like all sales people either:
1. Salary plus commission
2. Commission only.
It does not matter if you walk directly into a bank or broker to work with, everyone is basically the same salary.
If you walk directly into a bank loan officer most likely gets a basic salary and a percentage of the loan origination fee (points and yield spread premiums). If you work with a broker the broker usually works on commission (points and yield spread premiums).

Becoming a broker allows the loan officer can offer their customers the best loans with the most options.
It always amazes me when I see TV commercials or hear radio commercials advertising $ 395, zero closing costs. I always wonder if people understand how they can do.
Ok, here's how it is done.

The secret is that the interior in exchange for these low or zero closing costs, lenders make their profits and cover the costs of the loan by charging you an interest rate.
This higher interest rate pays what is known in our industry a premium (YSP) yield spread.

By charging a higher interest rate on the loan, the bank can easily afford the commercials, commissions, salaries, and cover the cost of borrowing while making a profit. Moreover, the service is generally very poor and impersonal.

So next time you see advertising without closing costs, you'll know exactly how they do.

So please remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch in any business. Company would not be undertaken if there were no profits. The most important thing is that you want the best loan available at a fair price with a loan officer experienced.

9. What are interest reserves and contingency funds to make the closing costs?
The two things most customers do not take into account the cost of building their new home are interest reserves and contingency funds.

Reserves of interest are added to the amount of your loan to make the monthly payment on your loan. Yes, you read correctly, you will not have to make a monthly payment of construction loan while your house is built.

Payments are made from this reserve account the interest and no, it is not free. This reserve is added to the amount of your construction loan.

interest reserves were designed to benefit the customer. Most people who build a new home are either paying rent or mortgage payment while their existing home is built.

The last thing a customer needs is another monthly payment while building. So, banks created the reserve account the interest by adding estimated interest payments over a period of 12 months and add them to the loan amount.

If you do not want interest reserves added to the amount of your construction loan, you can apply to have your own monthly payment of the construction loan.

provident funds are added to the loan amount in case you need more money to build your new home.

All loans with good intentions tend to cost more than short. The bank adds 5% to 10% of the cost breakdown and adds this amount to the loan amount in case you have cost shortest or need better appliances.

If you do not need to use this extra contingency fund then it will not be added to your mortgage at the end of your new home.

So when you apply for a construction loan ask your loan officer to provide you with a copy of the estimated budget for the construction loan.

The budget is created from your costs and includes all costs within the loan including land balances, closing costs, interest reserves, contingency and bank fees.

10. What is loan to value (LTV) and loan to cost (LTC)?
Why it is probably the most important factor in approving a construction loan besides your income and credit.

Initially most banks are concerned with a loan to the appraised value (LTV) but banks are really more concerned with how much money you have in the project (LTC).

If you buy a house instead of building you would normally put 20% of the purchase price as deposit.

Since you are building a house of your down payment is usually in the form of how much money you put on your property.
Cash is king of fairness in applying for a construction loan.

For example, if you bought a $ 200,000 piece of land and the land is owned free and clear that you have lots of cash equities.
With this much down payment you will probably not bring in any additional cash.

Or if you bought a piece of land over 12 months for $ 100,000 and now worth $ 200,000 the bank will use the current value because you bought more than 12 months.
In both cases you have brought $ 200,000 cash equity to the table.

Now if you just buy a piece of land for $ 200,000 and you pay only $ 20,000 most banks will want to see 10% to 20% in cash throughout the project.

Other qualifying cash equity that can be counted are the pre-paid, such as plans, grading, permits, etc. of these pre-paid can be used for cash equity or you can be reimbursed from the loan construction to closure.

11. If you hire a contractor or owner builder?

Do you really want to be an owner-builder? The goal to be a owner builder is mainly to save money. Some people can save some money if done correctly.
Some people are not meant to be owner builder.

Possible problems when acting as owner builder are:
1. Shorter construction cost.
2. The best banks with the best rates require a builder or supervisor.
3. Management contractors to finish on time or reporting to work.
4. Depleting your personal savings.
5. The need to borrow more money.
6. Loan extension penalties.
7. Taken by unscrupulous contractors.
8. The need to refinance your construction loan.
9. Foreclosure.

I could go on and on about the horror stories I hear from proprietary vendors who have not obtained a construction loan and acted as their owner builder.

If you have never built a home before and absolutely need to act as owner builder please take my advice and hire a reputable builder to supervise you and building your new home, for a price much smaller than their normal rates.

The builder / supervisor will help the breakdown of costs and manage the subcontracting on an as needed. If one of your contractors gets out of hand or if you need assistance of any kind, you can call the supervisor for help.

Your job is to make sure you hire the right people to complement your home. It can mean the difference between happiness and misery.

For those of you who have experience in building houses, but failed to ask about our owner builder program. To qualify, you'll need a resume showing your experience.

If you decide to hire a contractor to make sure everything you use a reputable builder or higher with a good reputation and many references.

Ask your friends if they know a good builder and when you start hearing the same name several times you know you've found a good one. Ask the building inspector for a list of reputable builders.

The most important thing is the store until you find a builder with the background of the most reputable and honest.
If you pay a little more for a manufacturer honest and reputable or supervisor will be very thankful before, during and after your home is completed

12. How does your builder to determine how much your house cost to build?

The estimated cost of Troubleshooting Your house is probably one of the most important in the construction loan package. This is the allocation of costs for each specific construction of the house. The foundation, lumber, carpentry, plumbing, heating, electricity, painting, and profits of the manufacturer, etc.

The builder usually completes this form to show you exactly what it will cost to build your new home. The most important thing to remember here is that you do not want to compete any item online and you do not want to outdo each line. You want specific numbers from real bids (not guesses) and a contingency of 5% for cost overruns.

Good manufacturers will send the plans of the house of their sub-contractors for specific bidding on each major component or can estimate the home themselves. The manufacturer sends a series of plans to the contractor foundation, a series of plans to the framer, one set of plans for the plumber, etc, etc.

When all the numbers come from, the manufacturer of the complete breakdown of costs and offer a total cost to build your new home.

Bad builders will use the WAG method of estimating the cost of building your new home. The WAG method stands for "wild ass guess." This method is most dangerous because it may lead to under and over bidding.

The last method of bidding is simply to over inflate every single line item cost breakdown. This is the most profitable for the manufacturer and the most expensive to the customer.

That's why you want to find an honest, reputable builder with a good reputation in your community. Once the cost breakdown is completed and you intend to hire this builder to build your new home, you must enter a contract. The contract must be equal to the amount added to the cost breakdown.

Most manufacturers will provide the contract but make sure you read it carefully and you add to your needs as well. There are two types of contracts

1. Fixed contract: This contract is simple and straightforward. Take the total cost breakdown and put that number specified in the contract. The manufacturer shall provide a list of responsibilities.
2. Cost plus contract. This type of contract is generally large projects ready for construction.
A. The client wants to make many changes to their home as being built.
B. The period of construction loan to build the house is 18 months if construction costs can change dramatically. The builder prefers this contract to protect the costs and benefits.

13. How does your builder get paid while your home is built?

There are two methods that banks use to ensure that your builder is paid while building your home.

The reimbursement system has been good around for a while. As usual you will have manufacturers who are very familiar with this mode of payment and do not like change.
Most of the manufacturers are really affected by how fast they can be paid and how often they can be paid.

Most banks find that the voucher system is simply too much paperwork to handle more. The constructor is given a big book of vouchers that resembles a checkbook and when they want to get paid or need to pay a contractor they need to complete a good. This form is a coupon payment request and as long as the contractor has signed the statement of lien, the bank pays the amount requested.

The bank will also request an inspection on the construction loan to ensure that the work is completed.
The draw reimbursement system is becoming the standard for financing construction loans for most banks.

The main difference is that the bank puts the accounting responsibility on you or your contractor. The bank uses your cost breakdown as a guide for prints. Some banks use specific programs from April to July draws as construction stages completed, as the foundation or framing.

The systems also make the choice of taking draws on a monthly basis, collecting partial payment for work items and materials that have been completed.

Personally, I prefer the draw reimbursement system because:
1. It requires less work.
2. Provides control over the customer and the manufacturer.
3. The funds are wired directly into your bank account.
3. It is easier to use than the voucher system.
4. Some banks now have online draw requests.

14. What type of construction loan insurance is required and is necessary for it?

The reality of construction loan insurance. There are three types of insurance needed for construction. All banks require the first two insurances, course of construction and general liability. Workers Compensation is required if your builder has employees.

1. Course of construction insurance. This policy is a policy to include all risk, fire, extended coverage, builder's risk, replacement cost, vandalism and malicious mischief insurance.
2. General liability insurance. You or your builder can provide this policy. This policy is a comprehensive general or broad form liability endorsement. The minimum amount of $ 300,000 for each occurrence is required. If the manufacturer provides assurance of a general policy of $ 1,000,000 or a broad form liability endorsement is required.
3. Workers Compensation Insurance. If your builder owns his own company and has employees who help build your home, workplace accident is required.

If the builder sub-contracting work and simply did not have employees per se, they need to write a letter acknowledging that they have no employees and are not required to have WCI .

15. Your loan officer structured your construction loan properly and why it is so important?

I get ready at all times with clients who went to another lender or broker and were either refused or were offered a construction loan of less than average.

The reason is because the loan was not structured properly before it is sent to the bank. Structuring of a loan is simply to ensure that you meet the customer's loan application guidelines for the underwriting banks.

I recently received a loan to build a client that was rejected by a large national bank. The loan officer had incorrectly calculated the income and submitted the loan as full documentation.

The client owns their own business and had a lot of tax deductions on their tax returns. The way banks qualify customers as full documentation is very conservative and the loan was denied.

We took the loan, found the problems ahead and submitted the loan as stated income.

The customer has been approved and built a beautiful home in Rancho Santa Fe CA.

loans to build infrastructure for the approval is vitally important and is the last thing on the minds of most customers. Whenever I get a loan from a customer with an experience of bad debts, he is always ready because the officer did not specialize in construction loans and did not structure the loan accordingly .

Other common scenarios poorly structured loan:
1. Low downpayment.
2. Improperly completed evaluation.
3. Unexplained credit derogatory.
4. The income calculated incorrectly.
5. Incompatibility of the application of customer loans the lender correct.
6. sheer incompetence
The old adage "you get what you pay for" is especially true when obtaining financing in building your new home.

A Real Estate Formula

By: Steve Gillman 
                          It was a simple real estate. The ads ran in our small-town newspaper for years before I realized exactly what was happening. They were always the same: A house for sale at 5% down and payments of 1% of the purchase price. Maybe a three bedroom house for $ 90,000, for example, with $ 4,500 and $ 900 payments per month.

When a friend started doing the same thing, he explained the process for me. It was a way to get an excellent return on capital, and it was the opposite of buying with no down payment. There are no funds at all when you buy, because you are buying money.

The formula Estate Real Simple

You probably know that when you buy silver, you can often get a much better price. In the absence of risk financing for the bid and the promise of a faster closing, sellers are willing to sell for less. You can offer $ 95,000, for example, a house that could be worth $ 108,000. If you can not get it for less than, say, $ 99,000, you walk away - there are always other possibilities.

Once you buy the house, you put few thousand into high performance repair and improvements. This may include painting, carpeting, and maybe asphalt for a driveway of land. For our example, we'll tell you spend $ 5,000. Suppose the house is worth $ 116,000 now. You're ready for the next important step in this real estate formula.

You put up for sale, for buyers who can not easily obtain financing. You provide the financing. Because you're making it easy for the buyer, you can get more value for the $ 116,000 house - and do so without paying a commission to a realtor. Say you sell it for 123,000. The buyer needs a down payment of only 5%, or $ 6,150, and makes monthly payments of $ 1,230 per month. You charge higher interest rates that go into the banks, of course.

This is a win-win situation. Your buyer is able to buy a house instead of renting, and you get a capital gain of $ 16 000 perhaps after expenses, plus interest well. Your total rate of return will often be over 20%!

In our city, the first to do always been a father and son lawyers. They saved money by doing their own entries when necessary. Once captured, they raised the price and sold the house all over again.

They made millions. Did you know that if you can get an average yield of 18% on your money, you turn $ 75,000 into more than one million dollars in fifteen years? It is the power of a formula property.


Dhai Phase-1 is fully developed projects with international standard amenities and facilities. With Kanal 1, 2 and 3 fully developed plots, F area is located along the quiet flow of the river Soan, among green parks and close to the golf course, DHA Phase-1 is all set to develop a neighborhood classic with style, elegant and luxurious, offering an ideal opportunity for residents to raise their children in an environment free from pollution and serene.
  Features and facilities
All residents of Defence Villas are entitled to membership of the Butterfly Valley Golf & Country Club, the first 18-hole USGA standard golf in Pakistan. At one minute drive from Villas of Defense, golf and country club is ideal for those who deserve the best. The club and course are already open.
Club House
The Butterfly Country Club is fully installed with a wide range of recreational and dining facilities in style such as restaurants, coffee lounge, cigar room, tennis courts, gymnasium, health club and spa.
Golf Course
The international standard 18 hole, par 72 golf course designed by the renowned golf world. Optimization of the natural topography and waterways are aesthetically designed to create an exciting and stimulating. It is a place where golf enthusiasts can always enjoy a great round of golf moments.
DHA Islamabad Community Features:
 The services infrastructure that all residents enjoy DHA understands.
• Modern Hospital and Harvard Medical International
• exclusive gated community
• Jacaranda Family Club
• Commercial Area with Mega Mall & 5 star hotels
• Underground electricity and other utilities
• Well connected Wide Road Network with footpaths, green belts and beautiful landscaping.
• Parks Beautiful pristine environment
• Around the clock service maintenance
• International School System Standard
Soan Marina •
• fuel stations with spare parts store, service station, mini market and install CNG
• Fight against Fire Department
• mosque in each sector and a mosque
• Wide road network
• 24 hour security with trucks and advanced safety systems
Strategically located
Ideal situation, F area is located 3 minutes drive from GT Road Rawalpindi (Toyota Rawal Motors) and is easily accessible by Highway Islamabad. Along the riverbank Soan, it is located in front of the fully developed and occupied the E phase Dhai 1. It takes only 10 minutes from Islamabad / Rawalpindi to meet the DHA Phase-1, Sector F

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Hilton Whistler Canada

Investment available at Hilton Whistler
Here is a fantastic opportunity to acquire your own unit at the Hilton Whistler. It may be a purchase lifestyle, offering both a stable income with the option for personal use, or a simple investment.
The impact of the Winter Olympics of 2010 should not be underestimated. Not only during games but the spin-off thereafter. Each host city has experienced substantial growth in visitor numbers after hosting the event.
Whistler is a fantastic place, one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world. The reason is, it alone accounts for a playground all year, with its mountains and provide you with world-class skiing, hiking, horseback riding and golf great for those seeking an active lifestyle and under voltage, or a range of less strenuous activities including spas indulgent superb range of restaurants and a variety of shops to watch just to relax and enjoy while
With global warming, is the ski season in the traditional European resorts getting shorter? Snow at Whistler was the fall earlier in recent years to advance the lucrative ski season.
What is for sale
The freehold of two adjoining rooms, known as lots of condominiums in the Hilton Whistler. The room is luxuriously furnished with high quality facilities and accessories are all included in the sale.
The rooms are rented by the hotel and can be used for personal use
There is a comprehensive management agreement in place at the hotel, the Hilton Whistler, and the buyer will benefit from this agreement
You are here:
Whistler Village is located 115 km or 70 miles, or about 2 hours by car, the Vancouver airport.
The Hilton Whistler is located in the picturesque village of Whistler, with its spectacular backdrop of the Rocky Mountains. It's only a matter of feet of Whistler and Blackcomb Gondolas connecting directly to all the exciting activities day in the mountains, yet close to the nightlife in Whistler Village.
There are plenty of activities to choose from and, believe it not, there's even more variety in the summer time. Whistler is a natural playground all year round.
In winter, snow is wonderful, who earlier dropped in recent years. Whistler Tourism Whistler is actively promoting as a tourist destination and all its wonderful outdoor activities.
Unit available:
It is located on the third of the South Tower. This is a deluxe suite with two adjoining rooms, a bedroom with a queen bed and a double bed, there is an interior door connecting it to the next room, which has a king size bed, kitchenette and bathroom bathoom bathroom to allow for people who want a family suite.
Total area: about 743 square feet
Initial Investment:
Hilton Whistler completely manage the rooms
There is a management agreement between the owners of room (called strata owners) and the Hilton. Part of the proceeds from the chamber is retained by the Hilton Whistler for this service.
The hotel was to achieve a steady growth in occupancy and room rates. winter time skiing is obviously peak / high season, but summer months are more popular.
Benefits of the Olympics:
• Vancouver / Whistler 's recent organization of the Olympic and Paralympic XX1 Whistler made as a world-class destination up there with the best.
• There have been considerable improvements in infrastructure before the Games that will have an advantage over.
• In the last Olympics, it was estimated that 50% of all benefits attributed to tourism
• 250,000 visitors are expected
• The growth of international visitors to the host cities has increased an average of nearly 25% in the second year after the Games
• With increasing global awareness of Whistler as a holiday destination and exciting sports market hotel is clearly much improved with increasing number of visitors.

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Benefit of property

Do you know that by seeking proper advice from the start will enable you to maximise the benefits you receive from your investment property? I have met people who have wanted to purchase an investment property, however, have not realized that by not having a S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, achievable, results oriented, time framed) plan could possibly end up missing most of the benefits they are entitled to.
The benefits are financial in the long, medium and short term.
These range from:
  • long term - capital growth
  • medium term - increased rental income due to inflation and the increase in market rent
  • short to medium terms - tax variations, tax minimisation, negative gearing and depreciation
To maximise the benefits from your investment property ideally you should seek the proper advice from qualified experts in their respective fields like Accountants, Financiers and Quantity Surveyors.

We not only have relationships with people who can help advise you with these matters, we are always at arms length and neither give or receive any form of referral fee from these people.
Your Benefits will be:
  • Tax minimisation
  • Long term capital growth of the investment
  • Tax Variations - this helps with your cash flow
  • Full rents paid to your nominated bank account (this helps your cash flow)
  • Negative gearing (helps legally reduce the tax you pay)

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Property Investment

Definition of Property:
Anything tangible or non tangible owned or possessed by someone in his/her own title. It can be real estate, land, factory, trademarks, etc. Property can be real, private, public, common, personal, separate with each has different meanings as per the name suggest.

Investment Property:
A property that you buy with the purpose of generating financial returns is called an investment property. This property could be land, a single apartment or house, a block of flats, a commercial or industrial building. Investment properties generate profits through rental income, capital growth or both. Investment properties are generally not used for residential purposes.

• Investment in property is usually prone to less volatility than shares. The investment in this sector is relatively a safe form of investment.
• The value of your property rises in the long term.

You can earn from the rental income.
By seeking proper advice from qualified experts such as accountants, financiers and quantity surveyors, it is possible to maximize the benefits you receive from your investment property.

Land is perhaps the most basic asset that we want to invest in and may include vast open tracts with no significant estate on it. The job of developing the land lies with the developer, and with proper care to include modern houses and the associated amenities, it will significantly appreciate its value. Land situated close to developed areas will cost more as opposed to those in less developed areas. Land developed for commercial purposes and those developed for building residential complexes will have different prices and tax implications, if any.
Investing in land can be profitable as there is limited supply of land and the purchaser can really sell dear if he wants to. Besides, there is the short to medium term possibility of exceptional returns, and property values can be readily increased by erecting modern world class amenities as already mentioned.

Real property:
Real property as opposed to personal or movable property is characterized by the right to transfer the title to the land whereas title to personal property can be retained. The investment in real estate essentially depends on the risks associated with it, that is to say, even if the venture succeeds when the future stream of income will accrue to the investor and the alternative investment opportunities. Real estate investment or investment in land can be attractive if viewed as a business opportunity; it can generate rental income, using it as collateral to secure a loan for a business venture, to offset otherwise taxable income through cash savings on tax-deductible interest rate losses, or simply from the profits garnered from its resale.
Land investment, while may not produce instant gratification as a real estate or home purchase does, can be extremely lucrative in the long run. With environmental groups raising a hue and cry over the lack of care towards basic environmental needs, environmental issues are some of the concerns plaguing land or real estate developers or investors.
Some of the common government-sponsored uses of land can be the setting up of sanctuaries and national parks.

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Rental property

What really makes investing in rental property a worthwhile endeavor? Well, you may be surprised to learn that as a whole, investing in residential income property offers many financial benefits that are just not available with other types of investments.
To provide some insight, the major financial benefits that make it worthwhile for you to invest your time, effort, and hard-earned cash in a rental property are...

1.) Market Value Appreciation: The market value of real estate generally tends to increase over time as a normal result of inflation. In this manner, if you own real estate, inflation actually becomes your friend and ally. The rising price of your property (over time) can be a large contributor to your future financial net worth. This is one of the greatest benefits of investing in rental property.

2.) Inflation Protection: As we discussed above, inflation causes the value of real estate and other items to go up over time. In this manner, owners of real estate simply ride the inflation wave and keep up with it. In this situation, real estate becomes their "hedge", or protection, against inflation. On the other hand, individuals who do not own real estate are at a severe disadvantage. By not owning this kind of asset that keeps pace with inflation, they are really handicapped in the battle against the rising prices of inflation.

3.) Tax Shelter Benefits: Uncle Sam becomes very generous at tax time if you own residential investment property. Basically, he will allow you to actually "depreciate", on paper, the value of your rental property each year. This depreciation, when combined with the regular operating expenses of the property, will have a big impact at lowering any income tax owed on the rental income produced by the property. As an added benefit, if the property shows a "net loss" for the year, this loss can be used to lower the income tax owed on your regular W-2 job wages. This is a huge benefit of investing in rental property.

4.) Positive Cash Flow: A rental property will produce real; spend able cash for you each year if its annual rental income exceeds its annual expenses. A positive cash flow allows a property to support itself and should be one of your primary goals when investing in rental property. As rents gradually rise over time, the cash flow produced by the property should also increase.

5.) Equity Buildup: With a standard principal and interest mortgage, each time you make a mortgage payment on the property, a certain amount of that payment goes towards reducing the mortgage principal. This reduction in principal, or amount owed to the bank, directly goes towards your portion of equity (or ownership) in the property. You gain a larger piece of ownership with each mortgage payment that is made.

6.) Income Growth Potential: Owning rental property can provide several different opportunities for you to increase your income. These opportunities can range from increasing the monthly cash flow of a property (by lowering its expenses and/or increasing rents) or purchasing an additional rental property that generates an additional positive cash flow. With rental property, you are more in control of your financial destiny as compared with the ordinary income growth potential of a 9-to-5 job.

7.) Retirement Income: Company pensions are going the way of the dinosaur - they are quickly becoming extinct. On top of that, social security doesn't provide enough for the average retiree to make ends meet. Owning a few rental properties that produce a nice positive cash flow each month can provide the income that is necessary for you to live comfortably in retirement. With this in mind, investing in rental property sooner rather than later will put more time on your side to build your retirement estate.

8.) Estate Creation: The financial benefits enjoyed by owning residential investment property can make it possible for you to increase your property holdings over time. This can result in an impressive estate and legacy for you to pass on to your loved ones.
In addition to all of the above financial benefits, there are also intangible benefits that exist when you invest in rental property. When all of these benefits are combined, rental property investing offers many advantages when compared with other standard investment alternatives.

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Investing in Rental Property

What really makes investing in rental property a worthwhile endeavor? Well, you may be surprised to learn that as a whole, investing in residential income property offers many financial benefits that are just not available with other types of investments.
To provide some insight, the major financial benefits that make it worthwhile for you to invest your time, effort, and hard-earned cash in a rental property are...

1.) Market Value Appreciation: The market value of real estate generally tends to increase over time as a normal result of inflation. In this manner, if you own real estate, inflation actually becomes your friend and ally. The rising price of your property (over time) can be a large contributor to your future financial net worth. This is one of the greatest benefits of investing in rental property.

2.) Inflation Protection: As we discussed above, inflation causes the value of real estate and other items to go up over time. In this manner, owners of real estate simply ride the inflation wave and keep up with it. In this situation, real estate becomes their "hedge", or protection, against inflation. On the other hand, individuals who do not own real estate are at a severe disadvantage. By not owning this kind of asset that keeps pace with inflation, they are really handicapped in the battle against the rising prices of inflation.

3.) Tax Shelter Benefits: Uncle Sam becomes very generous at tax time if you own residential investment property. Basically, he will allow you to actually "depreciate", on paper, the value of your rental property each year. This depreciation, when combined with the regular operating expenses of the property, will have a big impact at lowering any income tax owed on the rental income produced by the property. As an added benefit, if the property shows a "net loss" for the year, this loss can be used to lower the income tax owed on your regular W-2 job wages. This is a huge benefit of investing in rental property.

4.) Positive Cash Flow: A rental property will produce real; spend able cash for you each year if its annual rental income exceeds its annual expenses. A positive cash flow allows a property to support itself and should be one of your primary goals when investing in rental property. As rents gradually rise over time, the cash flow produced by the property should also increase.

5.) Equity Buildup: With a standard principal and interest mortgage, each time you make a mortgage payment on the property, a certain amount of that payment goes towards reducing the mortgage principal. This reduction in principal, or amount owed to the bank, directly goes towards your portion of equity (or ownership) in the property. You gain a larger piece of ownership with each mortgage payment that is made.

6.) Income Growth Potential: Owning rental property can provide several different opportunities for you to increase your income. These opportunities can range from increasing the monthly cash flow of a property (by lowering its expenses and/or increasing rents) or purchasing an additional rental property that generates an additional positive cash flow. With rental property, you are more in control of your financial destiny as compared with the ordinary income growth potential of a 9-to-5 job.

7.) Retirement Income: Company pensions are going the way of the dinosaur - they are quickly becoming extinct. On top of that, social security doesn't provide enough for the average retiree to make ends meet. Owning a few rental properties that produce a nice positive cash flow each month can provide the income that is necessary for you to live comfortably in retirement. With this in mind, investing in rental property sooner rather than later will put more time on your side to build your retirement estate.

8.) Estate Creation: The financial benefits enjoyed by owning residential investment property can make it possible for you to increase your property holdings over time. This can result in an impressive estate and legacy for you to pass on to your loved ones.
In addition to all of the above financial benefits, there are also intangible benefits that exist when you invest in rental property. When all of these benefits are combined, rental property investing offers many advantages when compared with other standard investment alternatives.

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